Q is for Quarantine

Blogging from A to Z with The Private School Mom: Q is for Quarantine


Our small Lake House maintained by a full-time housekeeper and her boyfriend.

It’s been a minute since you’ve heard from me. Life happened, but now I’m back to spill all of the secrets and give you an inside look at my life. So, let’s continue with the letter Q. The entire country is going ballistic because someone, who obviously never attended Private School, has a little cough.


Thank Goodness I haven’t caught the SARS-C0V2, but that’s because my family and I are on lockdown. I would have every family member quarantine at their own house, but traveling between all of them would be exhausting. I consider our main home the one in the Suburbs. Oh, the irony … we paid double for our home because of the amazing public school district. Yet, my kids attend Private School.


Just like you don’t choose your husband, you don’t choose where your kids want to go to school. Either it’s a match or not. I did absolutely nothing to influence my children to choose private school over public school. Just like I didn’t do anything to make my husband choose me over the other girls out there. OK, maybe a little nudging with both of those things. OK, fine … a LOT of nudging. What do you want from me? I’m a woman who knows what she wants and I’m going to get it, no matter what. Huh? I sound like a spoiled princess that needs to cut up her credit card? Sorry, I lost it in the house, somewhere, and I just can’t find it because our house is so huge!


Most of the houses in this area are small so we really got lucky to find one that would fit our fabulous and expensive lifestyle.  The bonus is our home is so big, I can walk from room to room and save money by canceling my gym membership. In addition, lifting all of those heavy boxes from shopping online is my daily strength workout.


Our second home is the lake house. I mean, doesn’t everyone have a lake house? Otherwise, you need to stay at a resort or even worse rent an airBnB, which is really just squatting in someone else’s lake house. People have called me many things in my life and squatter will not be one of them. I believe a lake house should be shared with friends so I added on a few extra bedrooms. The only person that lives there full-time is our Lake House Housekeeper. She convinced me she must live there the other 50 weeks during the year to maintain it and keep it clean. Only she and her boyfriend live in our home, as I would hate to have another family sully our fine linens.


When we visited last, I found receipts with different male names ordering 6-8 dinners. I hope her boyfriend doesn’t find out. She doesn’t have to worry, I can keep a secret. Obviously, she orders a bunch of meals to just taste them. We must have the same nutritionist. He says to stay fit I shouldn’t eat meals, just taste them. I follow his advice and order 5 meals, to taste. His advice doesn’t work for me, but it obviously works for her since she is really skinny. The other way I know she is the right housekeeper for us is because she put together a welcome book … just for our family … isn’t that sweet? It had our wifi password (in case we forgot), restaurants in the area, fun things to do and her name and phone number (again, in case we forgot) with any questions.


I am so lucky to have found her because I love that only they, other than our family, has ever stayed in our lake house. I would never have my friends visit without us, it would ruin it’s perfectly balanced aura and vibe … as my spiritual advisor (her boyfriend) convinced me.


Our third and final home is in Aspen, Colorado. Oh and there’s that one in Italy. There are enough homes for everyone, but those dumb child neglect laws say that I have to “care for” my children which means we have to live in the same house. It’s OK, I actually like us all being together and that’s why I’m having everyone quarantine in our main suburban home, in their own wing.

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