Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton.
This is my very first blog post. I’m sure no one will read it. Wait! YOU are reading this. How did that happen? I’m sure you just typed in the URL incorrectly because, seriously, who would be interested in all of the dirty secrets and gossip of The Private School Mom? I’m a hot mess. The worst part is I just referred to myself in the third person. Everyone who has ever met me knows that I’m a complete disaster that always says and does the wrong thing. Why are you here instead of out drinking coffee or shopping with your friends? So, I guess we’re in the same boat. I mean, I happen to have an opening for a best friend and it seems that you’re available since you’re still reading this.
I wish I had a best friend to experience this journey with me. Some people say that time flies when raising kids. I disagree. I mean, husbands are great, but he’s busy all day doing stuff, like holding down a job, so we can pay for private school. Plus he hates when I complain. That’s why he doesn’t know about this blog. I’ve tricked him into thinking I’m the perfect wife and mom for 16 years. Oh gosh! Please don’t tell him. Now, I’m all stressed out. I’m gonna stare at this pretty picture and pretend I’m a fish. Fish don’t have any drama with their teenagers. Fish are so lucky. Except when they are caught and eaten. Ok, I don’t want to be a fish. I guess being a Private School Mom isn’t so bad. At least people don’t want to catch me and eat me.
So, what do you say? You know you totally want to be my best friend!