My dad and I have a complicated relationship. I want the type of relationship where he gives me everything and I do absolutely nothing in return. Doesn’t everyone want that type of relationship? Unfortunately, that is not how our relationship works. Last month, I had to give up Read More
Blogging from A to Z with The Private School Mom : C is for Cooking
I not only have all the duties of being a Stay At Home Private School Mom (SAHPSM) but now they expect me to feed them, too? My family is so demanding! Thank goodness, they can purchase Read More
Blogging from A to Z with The Private School Mom : B is for Bad Words
I have a secret! I sing along to songs that have the “parental advisory” label. Of course, I would never listen to these explicit lyric songs with in front of my children. These songs are only listened to while doing housework, alone in the house, airpods in, secretly, screaming explicit lyrics at the top of my lungs.