Blogging from A to Z with The Private School Mom : G is for Garage

PIcture of a huge garage with 2 planes and 5 sports cars.

It’s so easy to fill a garage!

Although I am known as the most organized housewife in private school, I have a dirty little secret. There are lots of things that are in my garage. I don’t want to brag, so I keep it a secret from the other private school moms. Oh, that’s not a picture of my garage. My garage is a disaster! I have a three car garage that only holds two cars because the other slot is full of random items. We park one of our cars on the street because I’m a lazy hoarder. People come into my house and comment on how my house is so organized and immaculate.


very cluttered garage filled with junk

This is a picture of my garage

There isn’t anything out of place. Some people throw things under their bed to keep things clean, I throw it in my garage.  Here is a picture. I am not alone, according to this article and we know the Internet never lies! All of these items are so special to me, I can’t seem to part with them. The Flylady, (also known as The Southern Marie Kondo) calls this a “hot spot”.” But, Flylady must not be a private school mom. Her hot spots are a table or possibly a drawer. My hotspot is large enough to fit a minvan. That’s not a joke, because it literally is my garage.

I really need someone to hold my hand and help me clean out my garage. Will you help me? OMG! Thank You! That would be amazing! Let’s start in the back corner.


Ok, so maybe I could throw away the ten science fair tri-fold posterboards from grades one through five. But, when my son is a senior in high school, he can use the trifold posterboard from first grade. They just repeat the same concepts each year. It has such a cute picture of him holding an RC car. He can just switch out the pictures with something else. Which poster? No, that science experiment didn’t work. No, I don’t know why I’m keeping it. Sure, we can recycle it. What? It’s too big for the recycled bin? Ok, back into the garage it goes! (happy dance!) We can always sell it on Ebay. You can sell ANYTHING on ebay, right?


Do I really need the car seats now that my kids are teenagers? Probably not. But, I keep them because what if I need to transport a toddler in my car? I can just run home and pick it up from the garage. No, it hasn’t happened in the past six years, but it might! Yes, it is hidden under so many other things I won’t be able to find it. If I wait another decade or two, I can use them for my grandchildren. I’ll keep the carseats.


Really everything in this garage is super useful. Please don’t organize it because then I won’t know where to find anything, like that paint can with dried up paint. I need the paint formula on the side of the can. No, we repainted the room a different color, but I may paint it back one day. I have memorized everything and the spots where they are located. Please leave everything right where it is.


Private school moms have lots of secrets. This is my dirty little secret. Please comment below and tell me all of your secrets. I’ll keep yours if you keep mine. What do ya say, bestie?

I have another secret is my Facebook Page. I’m writing 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet. I know, I should have posted yesterday, during the letter F about my Facebook page. The P in private school mom does not stand for PERFECT! That’s my secret, that I’m not perfect! Click **HERE** to check it out.


10 thoughts on “Blogging from A to Z with The Private School Mom : G is for Garage

  1. MJay

    We all have cluttered spaces because we rather spend time with the kiddos or we just don’t have time to get a handle on it so it just grows. Totally understand.

  2. Marie Kondo has the world on fire – last month I blogged about both orderliness and cleanliness – I shared your post because I thought it would keep people inspired if have started the process – or inspire others to start the process. Thanks for the inspiration to keep at it… I actually have more decluttering on my ‘to do’ list today so perfect timing that I came across this today. Thank you!

  3. This is so timely! Now that it’s finally stopped snowing in New England, I can see that the garage is a mess! Spring is a great time to hit refresh!

    • I still have waterskis from 2013. Our family only rented a boat once. I keep them in hopes we may go again. My cluttered garage is full of hope and unfulfilled dreams. Maybe it’s time for me to hit refresh, too.

  4. Lyssa

    This definitely resonates with me. I’m a lazy hoarder as well, but then I’ll have spring cleaning urges and get rid of everything I haven’t used in over a year (sometimes even 6 months). The downside is I get more junk after…and the process starts over.

    • When there is no longer a visible path through the clutter, that’s when I know it’s time to purge. If only they sold stock for Goodwill Industries. I basically support them with my hauls.

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