Bloggin from A to Z with The Private School Mom : F is for Fear Of Missing Out

This private school mom has a fear of missing out. A table with an open calendar and a glass jar of flowers proves I'm crazy and classy at the same time.FOMO means “Fear Of Missing Out” and this fear is strong with me. As a good mother, I have passed this irrational fear onto my family. We are all afraid of missing out on everything. This is actually the reason why I sent my kids to private school. The grass is always greener on the other side, or in my case in another school’s courtyard. Private school must be better than public school and I need to know if I’m missing out.


The parents at private school constantly tell me how organized I am. I believe “superorganized” and “a private school version of Marie Kondo” are typically mentioned in the same breath as my name. What they don’t know is my motivation for being super organized … FOMO!


When my children were toddlers, I had an erasable whiteboard calendar hanging on my kitchen wall. Every other week, I would erase the calendar and update it with the school holidays, after school activities, doctors appointments, and playdates. I didn’t want my kids to miss out on anything and they didn’t!


In first grade, my son showed up in pajamas for pajama day, a month early. Unbeknownst to me, the school had changed the date and I never opened the email. He was the only kid in class wearing pajamas. Luckily, Ben gave him his jacket to hide his shame. Not the shame of wearing pajamas, but the shame of his mother getting the dates wrong because of her FOMO.


Since then, with a lot of practice, I have upped my organization game. The moms now look to me as the person who knows what is going on. But even I pale in comparison to Leianne. Her calendars are beautiful! I’m glad the other private school mom don’t know about her. She would be their goto for school events and no one would call me, anymore.


My kids say that I love my phone more than them. This is not true. I’m on my phone, ignoring them because I love them. It’s important for me to stay connected so that I know first about everything that is going on. Really, my kids come first and I show them that I love them by being glued to my phone.


Yes, I probably over schedule my kids. I have them in activities from 6 AM to 6 PM and on weekends, too. They can rest when they get sick from exhaustion! I’m always exhausted and very undependable because we are too over scheduled. I’m also constantly running late getting a child from one activity to the next so we don’t miss out on anything.


They say that keeping kids busy keeps them out of trouble. Obviously, that was said by a man who has never driven multiple carpools a day. But, maybe he is onto something. My kids never get in trouble. I need them to stay out of jail because I plan on living in one of their basements when I am too old to take care of myself. Or should I go to a retirement home? They probably have lots of activities. I’d hate to miss out on any of them. I told you mine, now you tell me yours. Comment below on a time you had FOMO and please sign up to receive a copy of “The Private School Mom Secret Newsletter” so you don’t get FOMO.

2 thoughts on “Bloggin from A to Z with The Private School Mom : F is for Fear Of Missing Out

    • Fresno Bob,
      This blog is your safe place. We don’t judge and it’s filled with unconditional private school motherly love.
      Though, if you get to close, I will take a restraining order out against you.
      So, from a distance, you keep on being you. Stay strong and please do whatever the doctor tells you.

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