The A to Z challenge is to write 26 blog posts, one each day of the month, for April. At first, I thought “Who is this April person? Do I know her? Is she a famous blogger? Why are they talking about my masseuse? Then I realized they meant the month of April.
Writing 26 blogs posts in one month is not an easy task. On top of that, I need to come up with a theme?!?! What do these people think, that time just grows on trees? Ok, thyme does grow on trees, but time does not and I do not have extras of either. I’ve cancelled my monthly facial and massage. I pushed my hair appointment to May and I’m going to take fewer zumba and yoga classes. If you see me on the street looking wrinkly and stressed out with grown out roots, these are the sacrifices mothers make for their children or in this case, my readers! I hope you appreciate this when my book “The Life of a Private School Mom” comes out. Please buy a copy, because books don’t grow on trees. Yes, you’re correct. They actually do come from trees. I’m both disappointed in you for talking back and proud of you for knowing where books come from. Fine, books don’t print themselves, smarty pants. Are you happy, now?
How is my AtoZchallenge Theme going to be unique? Sweetie, I’m so glad you asked. There are 30 days in the month and 26 letters in the alphabet. The creators of the AtoZchallenge have deemed the four Sundays as a day of rest. ChickFilA is closed every Sunday, already ruining my life. Therefore, I’ve decided to take SATURDAYS off, instead. That’s right! I will be the ONLY blogger in the challenge with NEW content every Sunday in April. Oh shoot, I have that yoga class on Sunday mornings. Don’t worry, I’ll switch it. You’re more important.
Starting April 1st, come back daily (except Saturday)!
What? This is supposed to be a Theme Reveal? I have to write 26 blog posts AND create a theme? My first thought was “Blog posts that are 5 words and less.” But, we all know I’m a motor mouth and I could never stop at 5 words. Then, I considered the theme “Guest Bloggers.” I would sucker 26 other bloggers to write all my posts while I take all the credit. Hmmm, I may do that next year. But, this year, I’m going to do all of the work myself (if I can’t bamboozle some patsy into sending me 500 words of liquid gold.) It dawned on me that I could tap into my first love, complaining. When I complain to my husband, he sticks in his earpods or walks out of the room. Now that I have a captive audience, coming up with a theme was easy!
My Theme is … Private School Mom Issues. I have serious, serious issues that greatly affect our idyllic life and are mostly first world problems. Unless you’re my guest blogger. Then, you can write about anything you want. Beggers can’t be choosers. Email me if you want to contribute because I’m super lazy. Seriously, I need help.
Here is a sneak peek at some of the things that may be discussed.
B – Bad Words said by Private School Moms
F – FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
J – Jealousy
V – Velour Track Suits – “1980s” trash or “2000Now” fabulous?
Z – Zumba vs. Yoga? Let’s discuss.
Comment below if you have suggestions for A,C-E,G-I,K-U,W,X or Y. I will acknowledge you in my post and link to your blog. If you are interested in being a guest blogger, that would be super awesome because I can really use a massage. Please respond quickly, my masseuse, April, has limited openings available next month.
If you don’t know what the A to Z Challenge is, you can click here. There is still time for you to sign up and join in on the fun! It’s a great way to meet other writers, bloggers and readers. You’re Welcome!